Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Cadbury Mini Egg control...is there such a thing?

I have to post about my experience this week with these little chocolates of love. I bought a bag last week to put in my kids Easter baskets. I didnt open them right away, because I didnt want to eat them all, so I put them in the pantry to open closer to Easter. These chocolates of love, are some of my FAVORITE treats and I love spring because of them. Later in the week....I ended up opening the bag so that I could do some potty training bribing with my three year old. He is definitly his mothers son, because he went coo coo for them too. Everyday since then, he has been begging for "bird eggs" as he calls them. I, on the other hand..... have been very, very, good. I have really suprised myself. I have had some of them, but if I decide to have a few ......I track them into my calories for the day. The old Maren would have had a few to start and then completely lost control and ate them until I felt sick. Now..... Im not telling this story or any other story to boast, I only tell it to give myself and others hope. I think a lot of times we lose control and then we feel awful about ourselves and we dwell on those horrible experiences. Rather than doing that, I am trying to recognize when I am making a good choice or have changed a bad habit for a good one and give myself a little pat on the back. I have learned that as I make these positive choices, I become stronger and I realize that THIS feeling is way better than the "oh crap, I totally just porked out, I feel fat, I cant do this..... so Im just giving up feeling." I am learning that I DO have control and that is feels GREAT!. Eating that whole bag is not worth it anymore. It is not worth the horrible feeling that follows. I love the feeling that I get when I eat just six and can stop. Now THAT feeling is great! I am pleased to announce that the candy is still in the cupboard and Im not thinking about it all day and its no big deal and that makes me extremely happy. In this last year, I have made a lot of progress and food has started to feel "normal" again. So to answer my own question...yes....there is such a thing as Cadbury Mini Egg control....and theres control to be found with everything else that is our weakness!


Jillyan said...

Every time I go to the store I walk past them 3-4 times. Every time I have the intention of putting a bag in my cart. I have only cracked once and I bought the individual size which only has about 10 eggs in it. When I got home and found out the points, I was SHOCKED! The tiny bag is 5 pts! I couldn't believe it. I'm not even tempted anymore at the store.
I would rather have a reese's little pb egg for 2 pts compared to my favorite mini eggs. It's just not worth it!

Em said...

AWESOME! I am really struggling right now! I just can't seem to kick my sweet tooth!

Jamie said...

You really are my inspiration! I have done 30 min on my wii fit every day this week. Yeah me! It was starting to get so when I put my pants on, I could hardly move. I am so so so not buying bigger pants!!!

Maxfields said...

I appreciate this post a lot! I have really been struggling with this. In fact, just on Monday, I had those exact thoughts and feelings. "I ate too much, I'm fat, I can't do it" and... I went way over board, and then again on Tuesday, I ate whatever I wanted. And sweet stuff especially is difficult for me. I have been good so far today with the help of my gum chewing, it really helps me feel like I am snacking when I am just chewing. Anyway, this post came at the best time for me, so thank you! And thank you for your inspiration!