Thursday, September 25, 2008

5 weeks to the starting line Ive got five weeks before my half marathon. Wish me luck guys. I really need it. Ive also got 5 pounds to lose as well. Uugh! Wish me luck on that one as well. I made that goal back in July that I would be a certain weight before the run and its been hard. I have totally plateaued. I just cant seem to get under a certain number. I tried to start changing things up a bit....doing weights and so on but I know sometimes that doesn't necessarily drop the pounds...usually just the inches so Ive decided to stop for a while until after the big run. Its been hard finding the time anyway with running, work and children, so I put that part on hold.

Im feeling pretty good so far. As you all know I had some knee issues and then last week my back went out for about 5 days. I suddenly hopped up from a chair to save Lia from Rowan and I had a horrific pain. I stopped running for a week and feel completely better. I just really want to finish this half marathon so bad. A marathon may be far from reach for me with these issues but Im still going to try. If I have an injury Ill stop running..... but I have to try. I will see how I feel after a half marathon and If I can still walk after...great...its on!

Next weekend we are off to St George for Lorens Marathon. How many people can say they trained for a Marathon in six months with no prior running. Loren use to run alot but he hadnt in years. I am s0 proud of him. It goes to show you...anyone can do it with enough drive. I will post when we get back. Good luck Loren!

1 comment:

Maxfields said...

Holy crap! Five weeks isn't very long. Good luck! I know you will be able to do it! You are so motivated! I love it!

So five weeks sounds so soon, but next weekend. Now that is Holy Crap! Good luck Loren! You are so awesome! I know you can do it!!
