Monday, October 13, 2008

Food Journal #5

Ive slacked. I was gone all weekend and didnt journal and wasnt as good as I shoudve been. A lot of mindless snacking went on. Its sooooo hard for me to get out of my routine. I am really good when Im at home but if im somewhere else....uugh! Ive been better today! I messed up alot and it should say 22 points.

breakfast, waffles and sugarfree syrup 5
2 vita tops 4
lunch chickfila 9
dinner, turkey burger no bun, baked fries and green beans 6
mess up -6
snack tootsie pops sugar free 1
tootsie pops 1
ran 5 miles -4

Table provided by Roni's Food Tweet, Eat, Post Generator.

1 comment:

Jillyan said...

Mmmmmm....I miss chickfila! I can't wait to get back to Utah to eat my favorite sandwich. We'll have to go next week when I get back.